30 weeks upper ab pain…Fear of Pre-eclampsia

Lesley 🌈

At 26 weeks my blood pressure was a little higher than usual and I gained a few more pounds than expected. Nothing major, but Doctor put me on low dose aspirin to be safe

At 28 weeks, weight was good and so was blood pressure.

Since then, I’ve been noticing sore ab feeling right under my sternum closer to my right side by my rib cage. It feels bruised. Originally, I thought it was just body stretching but now I’m not sure. But I don’t feel dizzy, haven’t noticed a lot of swelling, no trouble breathing, no vision changes.

I should also mention that almost directly on the other side on my back I feel like I have a pulled muscle.

Is this preeclampsia? Or is it just busy stretching? Do I call the doctor or go in to hospital tonight? Do I wait and call tomorrow (Monday)? My next appointment is on Wednesday, but I don’t think I can wait that long