My beautiful boy is finally here


Hi y’all.

My beautiful boy is finally here. It’s been not an easy pregnancy from day one.

After all struggle I went into labour yesterday at 3am but i didn’t want to go to the hospital yet cause three days ago I went there and my contractions stopped so I got sent home.

So when contractions started again I thought nop not going to the hospital yet, but around 10am I called my midwife to check cause i was losing blood, she suggested to go to the hospital.

I arrived there with contractions 10 minutes apart which wasn’t really that bad.

My OBG known a how much I have suffered she decided to just get the thing going. They broke my water around 2pm but pain was still doable.

Around 4pm i was given some medication to increase contractions.

Little did I know pain went from 4 to insane in less than 10 minutes by the time I requested to have epidural it was to late.

God only knows how I managed I didn’t know labour pain is that insane.. I was sure i was going to die.

At 7: 30 pm my baby made his way into the world, he is little bit smaller but he is just perfect.

I remember the last few seconds I screamed like my life depends on it the dr was late when she opened the door my boy was on my chest.

I really couldn’t have done it without my midwife.. she was so patient and encouraging at some point I told her that I have given up cause I can’t do it.

Then she say that my baby needs me to fight for both of us.

Anyway my advice to any mum out there who wants epidural don’t wait for to long.

After more than 12 hours my boy made his entry into the world. All pain suddenly felt worth it my husband was crying from relief it was amazing meeting our boy

Weighs 2kg 650 , 47,5 cm
