OTC cough medicine?

Can you recommend a good OTC cough medicine for a baby? 9-12 months. She’s 9 months currently not sick but with the weather changing in the morning we been 50s and then goes up to 80s during the day. She got a cough when 5 months and nothing was given or recommended by pediatrician she had it for almost 2 wks we both were miserable. I’m trying to prepare myself in case she gets sick within next few months, I have my mini pharmacy lol with Vicks vapo rub, nose sucker(& it’s blue filters), Tylenol,thermometers, probiotics, saline water(& the wipes), constipation little remedies since she needs it from time to time, humidifier, teething meds, etc. I want to add a cough medicine to it since we don’t live close to the city, our pharmacy don’t have certain items I can always order online now so I can be prepared for the just in case so I would like any recommendations. I don’t mind buying different ones for now under 1 and for 1 and older. Thanks in advance ladies. Also anything else I should I should add to our pharmacy?