3 y/o keeps waking at night


My 3 y/o is literally the best sleeper in the world. I’m not joking, I would put her down since 3 months old, say goodnight and she would put herself right to sleep. Would sleep 12+ hours a night, and has a great nap in the afternoon. I usually have to wake her after 2+ hours.

Well the past 2 weeks she’s been waking anywhere from 2-4 am saying she had a bad dream and won’t go back to sleep. It’s killing me because I still have to wake with my 8 month old as well.

My husband and I think she woke once or twice from a bad dream but now just says it even if she didn’t. What do we do?! I can’t just leave her in the room but I need her to stop trying to get up every single night 😭😭😭