Need to ttc vent 😔


I have pcos and had my first earth side baby after 3 miscarriages between 2-3 years of trying in 2021, my cycles were 2-3 months apart and I ended up conceiving her on cd 78 and got my bfp cd 88.

Flash forward to postpartum and trying for baby #2…. I’m ovulating more regularly (confirming with bbt and opk) and have a more normal cycle. When my cycle first started coming back my luteal phase was only 6-7 days and I’ve lengthened it to about 12 days now… but we’re on cycle 8 now with two chemicals since trying again 😔

I start progesterone cream 3dpo and was on vitex for 3 months (this is my month off), and the month I didn’t take vitex my chart looked AMAZING, I’ve never had a better chart in my life so I started to get really excited but I got a .42 temp drop today (10dpo) and bfn… feeling so defeated 😞

Why is it so hard for my body to do the most natural thing we women are supposed to be able to do 😭 this was my last month for 2 under 2 so it just hit a little harder than the rest, there’s nothing more in the world that I want than to give my baby girl a brother or sister 😭😔

Sending so much love to all the mamas out there on their ttc journey, I pray our time comes soon 🙏 ❤

Pic of this months chart 😔