Finally 💙

Dee • Baby girl due October 11 2024 Mom of 3 boys 💙One Angel 👼 Wife of one amazing man ❤️

Born at 40 weeks 2 days. All natural labor no pain meds. Showed up to the hospital at 10pm with contractions 3-4 min apart. Labored for 4 hours and still didn’t dilate past a 4. I had been stuck at 3cm since 37 weeks.. Thankfully because I was past my due date the doctor agreed to keep me. She broke my water at 2:00 am, baby was here at 3:22am. I went from 4cm to 10cm in an hour and a couple minutes. Worst pain of my life. My second natural delivery and it was definitely worse than the first. Everything moved so fast. But I’m So grateful I didn’t need pitocin or to be induced 💙. He’s breastfeeding like a pro and the most peaceful baby I could ask for..