Baby’s (finally) here!


Kiddo did NOT want to come out. I was supposed to be induced 9/20, but got bumped due to a shortage of rooms. I tried everything but castor oil to induce at home and didn’t feel a SINGLE thing so I got a membrane sweep instead on 9/21 at 39+3. At 39+4 I had my bloody show for 24 hours, and At 39+6 my water broke at 8:40 am. I wasn’t contracting but my fluid looked like baby had passed meconium so I went into l&d. By 4 pm I still wasn’t contracting after walking and bouncing on the ball so I started pitocin. At 8 pm i started feeling contractions and they got bad QUICK. I got an epidural and made it to 10cm, 100%, and -1 by 2 am. Baby’s heart rate kept dropping during contractions no matter how I was positioned. I started pushing and he was out after 3 rounds with the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times. Baby boy #3 is here, born on his due date, 8 lbs 10 oz.