

Well, these past ten months I have been with my boyfriend I really think he needs to go to therapy, because he has told me somethings that make me really worry about his health, and mental health too. He is too stubborn, and he wont accept it because he says he is just fine, so how can I convince him? Help. Thank you.

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You can’t really convince someone they need therapy. No one “needs” a reason to go, either they feel like it’ll be beneficial or they won’t. One thing you can do is normalize therapy for him. Show him it’s not something that only “certain” people do or that there has to be something “wrong” to go to therapy. Go yourself and talk to him about it, talk to your therapist about your concerns, get advice from a professional. Therapy is great but it isn’t for everyone and if he doesn’t think he needs to go trying to convince him that he needs to may actually be counterproductive.