Uncomfortable sex


When I’m laying down while having sex (vaginal) I can feel pressure in my ass, which is uncomfortable. Also sometimes I’ll have pain in my pelvic region, close to my hips not so much near my uterus or ovaries. It feels like muscle pains like my muscles stretching but I’m not too sure. The only position that’s bearable is when I’m on top. I can still feel that pressure in my ass when I’m on top but then it goes away. I tell my husband not to stick it in too deep because it feels like he’s hitting my cervix although he claims he’s not hitting my cervix bc he’s hit my cervix before and knows what it feels like. I’m around 10 weeks pregnant today. Does anyone else go through this? I’m a bit worried. I think maybe he’s just too big for me. I haven’t had this with anyone else tbh. I’ve also just been tested for any stds and they were negative I also get bloated & crampy after but it’s nothing too severe, it tends to go away