Doctor not listening


Is anyone else having issues with their ob gyn not listening to them during pregnancy? My last appointment they basically confirmed I've been right all along but are not changing my due date. I've been pregnant since January and I told them there is no way my baby is from the end of January. Most of January I was sick and didn't do anything, and they say he is from the last two weeks of January due end of October.

Since March he has been measuring 2.5 to 3 weeks bigger than they expected. Now last appointment I should have measured 35.5, but I ended up measuring 38 with their tape measure. The sizing ultrasound supported that too saying he was 2.5 to 3 weeks more developed than just 35 weeks and 1 day. This has been a high risk pregnancy due to the traumatic loss of my first in 2019 with cervical insufficiency and massive hemorrhaging.

They have not listened to me on details like this at all and I was just curious if other mothers have the same issue. I cant change doctors either, I looked into that before having to be rushed to the hospital in July for a big scare. I just find it slightly unnerving that they are ignoring sizing scan details and keeping their due date. If the scans are right, I'd give birth at 43 weeks. They do not want to change because they are "playing the waiting game" now.