Emetophobic Parents?


I’m TTC my first and I have emetophobia. I’m lucky that it’s not as bad as some people, but it’s still bad. I cannot be near or listen to my husband if he’s sick- I get a full blown panic attack. I’m working through exposure therapy now, but it’s not getting much better.

I’m worried about morning sickness, but not nearly as much as I am kids stomach bugs. At least when I’m nauseous, it’s contained to myself. I can plug my eyes and ears when I puke, make sure I don’t have to clean up any vomit by holding up in the bathroom, etc.

Kids don’t exactly give warning. They’ll puke anywhere at any time. This TERRIFIES ME.

Now my husband has already struck a deal with me that he’ll take care of all the puke, but he won’t be there for everything (he’s a teacher, I work from home, so if kiddos need picked up from school or to stay home because of it, I have to suck it up.)

My mom is an emetophobic too but says it’s different with your own kids and doesn’t bother you much. I don’t believe this, but I’d love to hear from emetophobic moms. What has been your experience with kid barf? How are you handling it?