Is it wrong for me to like the work-week because my child is in school?

I’ve been a SAHM since my first was born in 2018. I have two kids now, they’re 4 and 2. My 4 year old has autism and ADHD and to be Frank, is a hard child to parent. He’s bright and funny and loving, but he’s also extremely defiant, loud, constantly stimming/making noise, and rarely plays independently. He usually whines/cries until I entertain him with something. He needs CONSTANT stimulation with what is called tactile sensory processing disorder. Needless to say, it’s exhausting. He never calms down.

He started preschool this year part time, 3 days a week, and I feel guilty for looking forward to it. But when it’s just me and my 2 year old at home, I’m able to clean, exercise, read, go for a walk, etc. PEACEFULLY. I’m able to sit in silence while my 2 year old naps. It has been amazing for my mental health.

But I feel so guilty wanting my child at school all day. Is this wrong of me?