Help! My 2 yr old won’t sleep


Ok so my toddler has never been a good sleeper since he came home from the hospital. He had belly issues as a infant. He is now 26 months and rarely sleeps through the night.

Bedtime has become a nightmare. He refuses to go to sleep. Last night it took over 2 hours to get him to sleep. And he won’t sleep in his bed anymore. He was doing good, putting himself to sleep in his bed. Now he is back to waking up several times during the night crying😱

We have tried putting him to bed earlier, bedtime routines, sleep lotion, cry it out method( which can last a hour) and I can’t let him do that. We have tried essential oils, sleep stickers, melatonin, white noise, night light, pitch black. Nothing! He just screams mama until I eventually give in. When I lay down with him in our bed he still refuses to sleep.

Anyone else deal with this?!? I welcome any advice because we exhausted over here!