Interview day! So excited and nervous


Today could change my career.

I’ve been with my current job for 3 years now going on 4 and I’m exhausted.

I’m in the wedding industry working at a venue. I am the only planner and coordinator and manager for every wedding and every event.

I am there to staff ( which is impossible lately) as well as unlock and lock the doors and I run each event. I average 50-60 hours a week.

My set days off are Mondays, unless my boss books a corporate event ( not likely but has in the past).

This new job is 50 minutes away, doing what I do now but at a smaller scale. Hopefully this can relieve a lot of my stress.

I do feel bad because I do know that if I leave my current boss will have no idea what to do. He doesn’t even know the size of linens for the tables let alone how to order them. I do so much (and feel completely taken advantage of) I’ve asked for help and they haven’t even looked since it’s almost November and I’ve been asking since March(at this rate it’s not worth finding someone now). I’m completely willing to train my replacement as well as send over all my templates (that I’ve created) and stay help for the last bit of events there is left.-but I’m so mentally checked out it’s not even funny.