Tonsil surgery.


Well Jaxson had his tonsils and adenoids out last Thursday, and got tubes. The last 6 days have been pure hell 😅 I thought I was prepared for the recovery but I really was not. It's such a long drawn out process and I just hate seeing him in pain. But it seems like today we turned a corner and he's doing better than he has been. I really hope this was worth it for him. ❤️

He started refusing oral medication and I've been having to give him suppositories. 😫 He also refused Popsicles and ice cream and doesn't want to drink, so I was scared we'd end up in the hospital again but today he actually ate and drank quite a bit and even ate some mac n cheese!

Hes even been having me rock him to sleep which he NEVER does. He didn't even like being rocked or snuggled as a baby. 🥺