Teething & Fevers


Since Thursday night my daughter (who just turned one on 10/10) was really hot to the touch, I checked her temperature and she was at 37.4 I figured ok she’s teething since she’s super fussy and just wants to be held…I gave her some Tylenol closer to bedtime to help her sleep a little better. Friday morning, she was extremely hot, I started to panic and decided to check her temperature again, 37.7 under the armpit, so I decided to just to rectal to confirm 100% if she had a fever or not. My daughter HATES the thermometer it’s extremely hard to get her temperature just one parent holding her so when it reached 39.4 I pulled it out cause she was really not having it. Clearly she had a fever and in my opinion teething doesn’t cause fevers… or am I wrong? I hear so many mixed things about it I’m so confused on what to believe. My son (June babe) never had a fever with teething, although he was always close to 38° but never a fever. I called the nurse hotline and I found it odd that she told me to not go to the emergency room until she has a fever for 4 days!!? Like whatttt? She slept ok, and today shes been at 37.7 the both times I checked her temperature at (rectal).

Have any of you moms ever experienced something like that? She has no symptoms of a cold or flu… could it be an ear infection? She occasionally tugs on her ears but my son would do that also during teething and he never had an ear infection.

Also, she’s been herself today more lately compared to yesterday where all she wanted to do was nap on me. She’s only had that one spike of fever so far… but she is still occasionally extremely hot.

I’m just wondering if this is normal with teething?