Going from 1 to 2


I have an almost 10 month old and I am 7wks pregnant.

My doctor told me I have to stop breastfeeding. I understand why and I didn’t think much of it until I got home and my baby wanted to take a nap and wanted to nurse.

I think I just nursed him for the last time and I’m falling apart.

My heart is breaking for him and for the new baby.

I have no one else to talk to about this and I just wanted to know if any veteran mamas out there have words of advice.

My mom guilt for stopping breastfeeding is terrible but the mom guilt of feeling that guilt when I have to take care of my new little jelly bean is so strong too.


Thank you for all who replied🙏🏼

The reasons my doctor gave were because It can cause bleeding and cramping..

I had read online that 5mo pregnant was when the milk could change and my baby might not like it anymore so I was shocked when my dr said to just cut him off now.

I’m going to get a second opinion.

Thank you all again ❤️