Please help me understand.


I just want to see if I’m over reacting. It’s my first time getting pregnant after not being able to for over 2 years. I find out that I was when I went in for options of how to better conceive, then surprise, ob told me that I am. She has me going in once a week to draw blood to check my hcg levels and to be sure it’s trending. I went from 36 to 31 in my hcg levels. My ob never told me how far along I was or that she wanted to see me sooner because of the levels. All she said was that I’m trending to have a miscarriage and to come in 4 days LATER to do more blood work. I Haven’t heard anything yet but I feel like she’s not really explain anything to me. I would think she would want to see me sooner to do some type of ultrasound or something to see if I truly did miscarry or if I’m still pregnant, something. I have to wait till Tuesday to see her and I’m not even sure what the appointment will truly consist of. Mind you I found out I was pregnant a month ago.