HELP!! sleep problems

So my baby is 14 months. Up until about 2.5 months ago she was sleeping 10-12 hours thru the night. Now she’s getting up once or twice and I’m having a very hard time getting her back to sleep. I’m ashamed to say she isn’t self soothing yet. I rock her to sleep <a href="">Eve</a> night…my friends have transitioned their babies with a sleep consultant but I don’t have money for that. She doesn’t fall asleep till at least 9 pm but only because she doesn’t seem tired before that. I know she should be going to sleep earlier and I’ve tried but she never does. She gets up around 8 am and has a nap anywhere between 11-2 for approx. 2 hours. So for the past few months when she wakes up thru the night she’s up for at least an hour each time. Last night she went to sleep around 9:30 and woke at 12:30 back down at 1:30 then up again at 4:30 and didn’t go back to sleep until 6. (The house is dark and quiet but she just lays in my arms with her eyes open or squirms) I am totally exhausted as I have to get the older kids ready for school so today I’ve had to stay up since 4:30. We assumed when her habits changed that she was going thru a regression and/or teething but it seems that 3 months is too long for that. I want to start putting her in her crib to sooth herself to sleep but I have no idea how to go about it. Is it too late now??? HELP!!