When are you expected to stop needing help from grandparents?

My baby is 11 weeks old and put in laws are still helping us whenever they can. When they visit us (at least every other week bc they live 2 hours away) MIL is cleaning, cooking, and/or babysitting the whole time so I can have a break. She literally brings us home cooked food for the whole week ahead and cooks even more while she’s here.

On the other hand my parents live only 1 hour away and my mom was helpful for the first 3-4 weeks (bringing us home cooked food) but after that she just comes to see our baby, but even worse now is that every time we talk she tries to pressure me into bringing my baby to her house. And when I have gone to her house the last few times, she doesn’t have anything cooked or ready to cook so I have to order delivery food or bring all my own food. Also my baby isn’t a fan of the car so he cries a lot of the way and I just don’t want to keep putting him through that.

I’m at the point where I can somewhat maintain a clean house and cook a few meals/week. We don’t really need to do takeout anymore. But my husband and I have absolutely no free time for any extra chores like taking the leaves or bringing returns back to the store, stuff like that.

I’m really not complaining, I’m just wondering at what age (of the baby) do grandparents usually stop offering help and expect you to visit them instead? I feel like my parents and in laws are at completely opposite ends of this spectrum and I’m wondering what’s typical.