Baby Belly Grumbling. Gas? Acid Reflux? Colic? WHAT IS IT?!


So my daughter is 4 weeks old today & recently i’ve been hearing her stomach make so many grumbling/gargling like noises as well as having spit bubbles. & I know she may have gas but she doesn’t seem to be super uncomfortable. She also has been spitting up after every feed either right after for a few hours later. I have trouble burping her sometimes because she’ll fall asleep on the boob & when I try to burp her she won’t but I still hold her upright for at least 30 minutes before laying her down & even then, especially at night she’ll get up and be spitting up. Also every time she poops it’s accompanied with an “explosive” sound like she passed gas. I have no idea what else to do. She does have her 1 month check up on Tuesday so i’m gonna mention everything to her pediatrician but just wanted to see if any moms can relate to anything i’m going through and if anything helped your baby. I just want to making sure she’s not having too much discomfort because I can’t figure out what’s going on. 🥺