I don't understand?


So I got my mirena oht on the 29th Sep to start TTC, I was unsuccessful the first month as expected but I got postive ovulation tests around CD17 to CD20. So I assumed I ovulated on CD19. Which seems quite late, I got my period that was light and only lasted 4 days. I have now entered my second fertile window, literally today CD10, and I feel really nauseous and fatigued, I took ovulation tests and have being negative which was expected as my ovulation isnt meant to be till mid next week but today I took a test with first morning wee (some say use first morning wee) and it was pretty faint as shown, and then I took a test only 2 hours later and its alot darker.

Does anyone know what this means? Am I ovulating alot sooner then all my apps say? I use a couple to compare and all say I should ovulate 3rd Nov (CD15).

One app i use is detect what level is and the app is saying that the same test is low and peak, i doubt it would be but would like to know other's opinions