Is this implantation or my period?

What a weird cycle I’m having. Didn’t BBT, I really should’ve. I had a peak test, 4 days later I started getting fertile cm and tested again, it was positive again. So positive opk at what I thought was 4dpo.

I asked you guys and you said my body didn’t ovulate the first time, which would make sense lol.

Im 11 DPO based on first peak test, 7 DPO based on second peak test. I tested today and a very stark neg test. I’ve had twinges and some odd cramps and assumed AF was on her way until I wiped after I peed tonight and there’s a tinge of blood.

Do you guys think this is my period or possible implantation?

Edit: period is not expected until the 3rd, cycles average 32 days long.

🔺🔺 I am aware it’s rare to have Implantation bleeding but I’ve had it before but ended up having a chemical.