Need to establish a skincare routine for my eczema prone girl!


We are FINALLY getting her eczema patch above her right eyebrow under control but her back and elbows is so horrible and I feel like it’s the reason she’s always so grumpy. I have Aveeno baby wash for her baths now and we use the Eucerin baby eczema cream on her but we need more help I think.

So questions.

1. Do I use regular lotion on her at all?! Or find an eczema lotion that is for regular use (the cream is pricey I don’t want to use it on her whole body)?

2. How often should I bathe her? Her eczema gets worse every bath and brings us back to square one.

3. What would be a good routine (morning to bedtime) for her to keep her moisturized and hopefully kick this eczema to the curb?

I’ll add, I do put breastmilk on it here and there and sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t. Mostly on her eyebrow. But using anything breastmilk included on her eyebrow causes cradle cap.. but if I don’t, she’s scratching it open and making it bleed. So it’s kind of a lose lose situation. I’m just wondering if her eczema is the reason for her constant grumpiness so want to figure out a way to get her the most comfort :)