35+2 & completely over it

Alexa • A

This is just a rant

This is my 2nd baby & quite honestly the worst pregnancy ever. I’ve had no support from anyone, my own partner has constantly disrespected me. I was in and out of the ER for the better part of the first & second trimester due to a hematoma amongst other things. I just feel defeated honestly. I’m so tired from caring for my toddler, I just feel like my mental health has deteriorated so much so that I’m not really that excited to have this baby. I love her & feel terribly guilty about not having a bond like I did with my first. I’m so worried that I’ll have PPD again and I just don’t even want to think about it anymore. Life is just extremely hard right now and I’m really hoping things get better.

I wish all of you moms the absolute best rest of pregnancy!