Overweight obese

How do you begin to get healthy I weighed 115lbs in highschool I was a size three and went up size four size five size seven and size 9 and I didn't like going up those sizes when I was a teenager I struggled with anorexia to stay 100lbs then whenever I ate pizza or food I would exercise and I enjoyed exercise I was in a relationship and they say sex burns 500 calories or more so I felt healthy weight at size nine but when he passed away I stopped exercising I would eat anything and I weigh 200lbs! I always thought oh men or tall people weigh 200lbs I'm five foot five inches and I'm 200 pounds how can I lose this weight I don't feel healthy jeans don't fit I don't know what to do

I thought I would ask someone who lives healthy prepares healthy meals has a healthy exercise plan can you help me out know where to start how to start eating healthy and where do I begin with exercise is there anything I can do to exercise while in bed or in bedroom anything slow exercise I don't know how I let it get so far the weight gain eating cookies ice cream fat foods fried foods meat I'm not healthy my triglycerides are super high and I need help if you are living healthy what would you recommend how I can begin and if anyone on here I can reach out to and we can talk about this losing weight and getting healthy.