Need to vent 😩


I’m so sick of everyone telling me “don’t you think you should wait” whenever I talk about making plans or buying things for our baby.

We lost a baby girl late in my last pregnancy, the experience of giving birth to her has left me with crippling ptsd.

I’m now 13 weeks pregnant and struggling to feel any positivity or attachment to this baby. My therapist has told me to try to start making some positive plans, think of name ideas and make a wish list of things to buy that might help me feel more positive.

It’s been a really big step for me, and I’ve been trying hard to start believing this pregnancy might not end like my last one. Only, whenever I try and talk to any family and friends about making any plans or my wish list, I immediately get shot down with an ominous “don’t you think you should wait” comment. It’s getting me down so much, why do people feel the need to remind me that everything could still go wrong? Don’t they think that isn’t constantly on my mind ffs?

I’ve tried explaining to people how it’s making me feel and most people still give me a lecture on how much harder I’ll make it for myself if it goes wrong. I just feel hopeless and alone, serves me right for trying to feel happy about this pregnancy.