terrible sleeper

my 8 mo old is a terrible sleeper. i literally can’t take it anymore. he’s either up every few hours to eat, even if it’s just an ounce or so. or he loses his paci. or he is just squirming around. last night and tonight he’ll be asleep and just randomly start SCREAMING. i’ve got no sleep and neither has my husband. it’s making us argue and be irritated at each other. he hates hearing him cry (and so do i but i can handle it most times) i just don’t know what to do. i said i’d never do the CIO method but it’s so tempting. we’ve tried other sleep training methods but he wants to be rocked every night but even when i rock him he fights sleep. it’s 12:30 here and he acts like he isn’t even tired. i follow sleep cues and wake windows in the day, he stays up at least 2 hours before bedtime. he has a bedtime routine (bath, lotion, bottle, bed) i think he’s teething and now getting sick (cough, sneeze, congestion, runny nose) i just don’t know what to do. he’s never been a good sleeper even when he wasn’t teething or sick and i just can’t take it, i want to be able to sleep 6-8 hours without having to wake up for him every little bit.