I have started gagging at sounds 😅


HHHELP!!! lol

So my period started on the 21st last month and ended the 25th, me and my husband have had .. ya know.. multiple times since i have stopped. My period is supposed to start on the 18th of this month.

On the 31st (halloween) my bonus daughter threw up, no big deal was helping her and helped clean it up, the smell.. i was almost throwing up, eyes watering and was gagging, ever since that day, sounds have been making me gag, for example my mom coughed up a Lougee and i was at the point of throwing up and gagging. As well as a heightened sense of smell. Btw i have never been sensitive to this kinda stuff before. even when changing my son’s diapers or puke anything!

After i told my mom my “symptoms” she looked at me dead in the face and goes, “You are pregnant.. with a girl” haha whattt there is no possible way for me to be pregnant and have symptoms rn.. right?? 😅

paranoid me takes a pregnancy tests mid day and it’s negative, there was a shadow but no color (first response)

SOO MY QUESTION HERE IS, could i be? and it’s to early for me to get a positive?😅