
So on 10/26 I had my first ultrasound and the tech refused to do it transvaginally and struggled to get readings abdominally so she measured the baby at 7w 5 days. They also claimed to find a subchronic hemmorage. So this caused a repeat ultrasound to be ordered.

Today 11/9 I was as sent to A different location and they did things abdominally but Because it was so hard to see they decided to do things transvaginally also since that’s how they should be done this early. On both the abdominal scan and the transvaginal scan the radiologist got a measure of my baby at 10w 2days. My pregnancy is high-risk and though it’s not a big change it kind of moves my appointments with maternal fetal medicine and the OB office nurse is refusing to change the due date to what the radiologist says today because of the first scan even though it was less accurate than this one also there was no hemorrhage at all if they had done the transvaginal one they would’ve seen that it was just vessels the first time.

I have time sensitive scans and blood were coming up and I’m not changing the dd really makes a difference I’m just feeling really frustrated because maternal fetal medicine can’t do anything without them cooperating.

Has anybody else had this happen