Boyfriend is ruining my pregnancy experience

Hi so I’m 20 years old and expecting my son in April 2023. I was pregnant earlier this year but became no longer pregnant at 8 weeks. The first pregnancy took a toll on my boyfriend and now that I’m pregnant again he says he doesn’t want to get too attached because he was to the first baby. I understand that, but I literally have to force him to speak to my stomach so the baby recognizes his voice and read books. When I found out I was pregnant I did contemplate if having the baby was the right decision, but now I’m extremely excited. The other day i was talking to my boyfriend about baby stuff and he told me that he’s upset that I’m excited when I’m the beginning I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue with the pregnancy or not. Tonight I felt baby moving a little and tried to get him to feel or see if he can feel anything (I’m 16w4d). After waiting a while he didn’t feel anything and the baby wasn’t moving & when I expressed i really wanted him to feel his son kick he told me “I don’t really care”. Everything he is doing feels like it’s ruining my experience with this pregnancy. Am I overreacting or do you guys think my feelings are valid?