Insomnia anyone ? 😫

Danie • Mother of a beautiful 14 year old girl. She forever changed my life for the better.

15 weeks and really struggling with sleep.

There seems to be a plethora of issues that I’m burdened with every night.

#1 I have severe IBS type C and the bloat and seedling and cramping of my stomach is so much worse and hard to ignore.

#2 I am normal fit and struggle With dysmorphia but due to diet limitations first trimester is already gained more than I needed to and I just feel really heavy and fat and uncomfortable.

#3 getting up to pee non stop.

#4 can’t seem to get comfortable no matter what position. I have injuries from a car accident to my right hip and left shoulder and the feeling of heaviness prevents comfort on my sides and I’m supposed to stop sleeping on my back but I always end up there and then I have back pain as well.

#5 congestion. The second I put my head down I have a stuffed nostril.

Just last night I couldn’t sleep until 2 and woke up multiple times just to be wide awake at 5:45 am.

HELP !!!! I need all the tips. I am so darn tired.