i can’t stop obsessing that something bad will happen…🥺

I’m currently 6w 5d after an ectopic (PUL) last year.

this pregnancy is starting off..great. my HCG has more than doubled all the way past 3000 (when we stopped testing). my progesterone was on the lower end of normal (15) but I was given suppositories.

I keep monitoring every symptom I have, worrying that it’s not enough or that if my breasts don’t hurt as much that I’m doomed. I have sore breasts, fatigue (that I’m subconsciously relating to the lack of coffee), food aversion, increased appetite but nothing sounds good, and slight mild nausea (no vomiting.)

I’m constantly researching on google and checking out viability studies and research data and it’s just…consuming me entirely. it’s been so much that the initial happiness I felt weeks 4-5 has been overshadowed with anxiety this week.

my first ultrasound is on Wednesday (7 weeks) and I’m just terrified…

is anyone else doing this?! I feel like I’m crazy. why can’t I just enjoy these moments? how can I stop? 😭