wasp in apartment

i’ve been dealing with this for months.. during the summer time it was so bad I would see multiple in my apartment and anytime maintenance came they would disappear which made me look like a crazy lady! he finally found that they have been nesting in my vents so he removed the nest and sprayed the remaining.. I closed my vents upstairs and haven’t had a problem since.. now downstairs I have seen maybe 2 or 3 but I thought he checked every area possible.. they were always in my blinds so I knew they came somewhere from the living room and most likely it’s my living room vent. it would always be just one at a time that I would see. well fast forward to today I walk downstairs after months of not seeing any and yup one sitting right on my blinds.. i’m terrified bc I have young kids and am pregnant. the maintenance guy they had is not here and I called the office and she refuses to have one of her new maintenance men “chase a wasp” for me.. which is ok bc I know it’s not their job. i’ve been stung by a bee and it hurts bad I know a wasp is worse and they sting multiple times!! so my mom came over and brought me wasp spray. office told me they’d call pest control at no cost but im really frustrated that they aren’t checking this out thoroughly.. I moved units and never had this issue with my last apartment. i’m very irritated anyone else dealt with this problem in apartments?