
Hiya, I’m wondering if anyone can help me or shed some light in what might be going on.

I’m on two apps, one app said I ovulated tues and glow said weds. I took an opk on Monday and got a positive

Monday OPK

I had egg white cervical mucous so assumes I’d ovulate Tuesday/Weds like the apps said. Out of curiosity I tested again yesterday and got the below result. I know it isn’t positive but it seems pretty dark considering I’d already had supposedly ovulated.

Yesterdays OPK

I tested today again just now and it’s a blazing positive :/

Todays OPK

What’s going on? Has anyone ever experienced this? Is this the same LH surge from Monday? Have I ovulated twice? Was the first one even positive?

Any guidance on this would be helpful, i am massively confused