showing positive 1 week pregnant

okay so i went to the hospital last night, while i was there for completely unrelated problems they diagnosed me of being 1 week pregnant. how is it possible to show 1 week pregnant on a urine test ? why is it showing up as much as it is this early? is it maybe ectopic or maybe 2 of them? i’m super scared because i had a miscarriage last time so i’m over thinking everything

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Posted at
I’m going to assume they really mean 3 weeks pregnant because technically at one week you haven’t even ovulated yet. When was your last period?


💀 • Nov 23, 2022
No. That’s within normal limits. I’ll post a chart so you can see what the normal values are.


nicole • Nov 23, 2022
is 29.6 bad then for 3 weeks?


nicole • Nov 23, 2022
thank you


Posted at


Posted at
You’re not pregnant yet at 1-2w You’re likely 3-4w


Posted at
You’re 1 week from conception is what they meant. So your 3ish weeks along.


Posted at
The hospital is notorious for bad OB advice since majority of the time they have no special training in that area. Google a due date calculator & put in your last period. You’re probably 3-4 weeks along


Ki • Nov 23, 2022
You’re welcome & congrats!


nicole • Nov 23, 2022
thank you!


Posted at
It's not actually 1 week. When they say you're 1-2 weeks pregnant it means 3-4 weeks because weeks 1-2 are your period/ovulation and when you conceive


Posted at
I've never understood what 1-2 weeks pregnant meant since you don't conceive until you're 2 weeks along. I'm as confused as you are.


Annie • Nov 25, 2022
Try to schedule an appointment for next month. Its tough getting in so at least schedule in advance. Also ask your doctor to order another hcg test every few days


nicole • Nov 24, 2022
thank you so much, and yeah they only tested me bc i went to the hospital for chest pains and they had to do a mandatory test and that’s when they figured it out


Annie • Nov 24, 2022
Okay this is the easiest way to explain it. Go to the first day of your last period and count the weeks. For example, my period is on the 19th...i ovulated november 1st-november 6th with 4th and 5th being peak days. I had sex 3rd-5th and took a pregnancy test 9dpo. When I calculated (before doctor visit) I assumed i was around 3 weeks and 6 days because I was going by my ovulation schedule, not my period. The way they do it medically is weird, but they count weeks. So my period was due on the 11/19 and now its confirmed its not coming...oct 19th-november 19th is 4 weeks is the 23 (4 days from 19th). Once you do it like that it makes so much sense. But its weird they tested you at 1 week because you more than likely wouldnt have conceived until about 7-10 days after sex and ovulation. Dont be nervous, I would suggest scheduling an appt in about 4-5 weeks though.