Has this happened to you? And was it normal?



Last night my husband and I had sex. This morning I woke up with thick discharge (I’m sure some of it was leftover semen) with blood on it. I’ll post a pic below. Then throughout the day, I’ve been spotting and wiping specs of blood. Sometimes there’s pink CM or just pinkish blood. As I’m nearing the end of the day, the last pic is what I wiped after I peed. It was literally hanging down and I quickly wiped. I did call my doc and i spoke to an on call doctor. She said it’s not something they like to see, but isn’t abnormal. They don’t want me soaking a pad or having bleeding like a period. She also mentioned def no sex and to take it very easy. Currently, I am not soaking a pad nor is the spotting transferring to the pad. I’m just so worried guys, anything happen like this to you and baby turned out alright? Below are pics of my discharge throughout the day…I didn’t take pics of every time I wiped Bc like I mentioned, sometimes it was just pinkish specs that was hard to capture.


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Posted at
This happens to me most times I have sex and like others said, my doctor said it’s my cervix being irritated. If it makes you feel better, I actually get quite a bit more blood than this. It usually lasts a day or sometimes into the following day.


Lyndsey • Nov 27, 2022
Thank you for writing this. Doc said no sex yet and didn’t seem concern if I bled today as well. I am currently spotting but it’s so minimal, if I wasn’t looking for anything it’d be hard to see.


Posted at
Looks like your just irritated your cervix, pretty common


Tahra • Nov 27, 2022
That's true ...


Posted at
I bled at 5 weeks 6 days, and for sure no sex, because i had my miscarriage 2 years ago due to active sex in 1st trimester so this time we were being cautious. Anyway i went to emergency they gave me some injection and did my ultrasound to check if the baby was ok and I heard the most beautiful sound for the first time, my baby heart beat. I am now 31 weeks 2 days. I hope it is not something to worry about but you should go to emergency and get checked. Good luck


Lyndsey • Nov 27, 2022
My spotting has subsided and it’s not as much as yesterday, but still getting some pink spotting when I wipe.


Posted at
It could be implantation bleeds. Maybe?


Lyndsey • Nov 27, 2022
Yes, I’m 5 weeks 3 days. Honestly, my last pregnancy I bled, but I don’t remember how much I would spot like every couple days for at least 10 weeks with my second but I don’t remember how much. Needless to say, my old doctor saw me at 4 or 5 weeks and then 8 weeks


Tahra • Nov 27, 2022
Most hospitals antenatal wait until 12 weeks (in Australia) but you can still see your Dr until you have your first hospital appointment


Tahra • Nov 27, 2022
From my experience yes getting a scan before 6 weeks isn't likely unless you have a medical emergency like I did with my 3rd baby. Definitely seek medical advice - I hate heard light bleeding can occur during pregnancy. You can get a private scan but not for too early in pregnancy. Do you know how far along you are?