Natural Birth Control/ Fertility Awareness / Lolestrin


I’m considering going on birth control but I’m a bit nervous. I’m considering the lolestrin pill, but also the fertility awareness method to avoid hormones. (My first experience with hormonal birth control was pretty bad which is why I’m considering the fertility awareness method.)

Has anybody tried the fertility awareness method to PREVENT/avoid pregnancy? I’m not currently having sex, but I am in a new relationship and I’m considering it. If I use the fertility awareness method correctly (taking my temp daily, taking ovulation tests, avoiding sex around ovulation altogether) could I successfully avoid pregnancy?

I know nothing is 100% guaranteed, but could this method be just as effective as the pill? I also plan on ALWAYS using condoms and pulling out, and maybe even using spermicide gel along with these methods, to be extra extra safe.

As for lolestrin- has anybody had positive experiences? Or negative experiences? Is it successful at preventing pregnancy? I am terrified of severe side effects (mostly weight gain). I have lots of friends taking this pill and they love it. I’m just cautious because I am not a fan of synthetic hormones (I had a negative experience with the birth control patch about 4 years ago).

Overall, I know the loestein pill has a lot less estrogen than the patch, but I’m still terrified of significant weight gain, severe cramps/nausea, and also the possibility of harming my fertility for the future. I don’t want kids anytime soon, but certainly within the next 5-10 years.

Any thoughts about lolestrin or the fertility awareness method?