UPDATED: Was this SA or SHarassment from my husband?

EDIT/UPDATE: I don't want to get this post too long but this is eating me up right now. For those that say red flags, predatory, SH: what should i look for now? Am I blind and he is a predator harassing young women?

To note: we are good in terms of marriage. I mean he loves me and shows it and compliments me the same way as when he started liking me; now I have been asking him if he ever acted this way with anyone else at work before or after me and he says of course not. He sent me a message even after we talked today saying

"My love I want to tell you I love you; you taught me infinite love. You are the love of my life and you will be after I die. I am sorry if I don't tell you enough or show it enough".

I haven't told him of my discussion with my friend and maybe he thinks I feel insecure and that's why he wrote the last part. I think he tells me and shows me enough that he loves me. What my friend said affected me because I don't want to feel like a victim in my marriage or that my husband is this bad person; but if he is, I don't want to be blind to that.

And today when he got home he brought me jewelry. Which would make me happy normally, but now it is making me question his motives.

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I am married 7 years with my husband. I made a new friend recently and she asked me how we met and I told her. And she said that he actually sexually harassed me into a relationship. I have been very upset with what she said and I am confused. What do you think?

My husband was the boss of where I worked. I was always on a temp contract and he was the one with the power to renew it. I worked at that place for 6 years, but always with temp contracts. The first year I was working there my now husband approached me saying he thought I was wonderful, complementing me and then continuing telling me he wanted to marry me and be with me, even thoughI was continously rejecting him.

I was very unsure because I did not want to get involved with anyone at work and was telling him that I thought that because of our age difference-I am 17 years younger- that would not work out. Also there was this guy that I was kind of talking-dating at that period and when he would get around to see me at work my now husband would get very upset and hostile towards me and say that my guy friend is not respecting the workplace and to tell him never to come again.

Anyway, I finally agreed to date my now husband on my last year working for him. Then I left that work because I did not want to work where I was sleeping with the boss but we continued seeing each other and then got married and had children. I am still very confused. I don't think I felt pressured. It was just very uncomfortable and some of the things he did while I was working there I did not like, but I didn't think he was unattractive or anything. I just didn't want to get involved because of our difference in position and age.

What do you think?

@Ashley: Yes, I actually wanted to quit my job as soon as we started sleeping together; my husband was even offering to renew my contract but I felt it would feel dirty (for lack of a better word) doing that after we started sleeping together. So we compromised I would finish up my contract and then go somewhere else.