Instense Dreaming during Pregnancy

Analisia • just a girl who is as curious as you are

Hey all ,

first time mommy here and my dreams have been sooo intense!! I literally wake up in the middle of the night to tell my partner about it and some trigger my anxiety. My OB said it’s normal for women to get dreams due to hormones and sleeping meds won’t work because i’ll still have the dreams.

Does anyone know a trick that could help? Or do you guys have intense dreams like me and are willing to share to make me feel like i’m not alone?

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This is happening to me! I posted in my due date month group to see if anyone there had been experiencing the same. I rarely remember my dreams, but for some reason with this pregnancy, they’ve been wild. Last night’s adventure: someone was trying to replace my brain with an android brain. This was all happening in a big house where a hoarder lives and there were baskets and piles of laundry everywhere. Right before I woke up, I was hiding behind a giant pile of laundry while the guy who was supposed to pop my skull off was looking for me. He was carrying a power drill. I woke up in a cold sweat. I don’t usually remember my dreams at all. This has been happening over and over since I got pregnant this time.


Analisia • Nov 29, 2022
yes my dreams have been this intense 😭 & i remember them clearly !!


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I never figured out how to stop it but I can’t tell you how many times I woke up hysterically crying 🙃


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It’s normal unfortunately and yes, due to the hormones. I just let them pass.