Thoughts on when baby will arrive?? DD in 6 days!

Kristen Tamara • Asher Forrest. 🌈 ✨ ♥️

This is my first and needless to say, I am very anxious. Still can’t quite wrap my head around the whole pushing a whole human out of my vagina part but I am almost there, just now stuck wondering when.

Went in for my weekly check today, I am 39w+1. My midwife performed a check and also did a sweep. She said baby is extremely low, I’m 80% effaced - if not slightly more and just about 2cm dilated.

A week ago today, I was 60% effaced and only 1cm dilated. She said that she highly doubts I will be going beyond my due date, which is in 6 days.

I know there is no secrete answer or prediction on knowing when baby is going to arrive but curious what are your thoughts/experiences?