Anxiety after birth


To the moms did any one get like bad anxiety after their baby was born. My doctor wants me to wait till hes 5 months to see if it gets better but I'm not sure it will. I love my little one but find myself getting behind on laundry, worrying about every little bump, rushing to any whine, whimper or cry from him. I spend half my night watching him sleep just out of anxiety.

I finally got thorough my laundry and pulled out my maternity and his 3month clothes to get rid of. But its been super hard and I am finding myself wound up like a clock. I try to tlrelax and take a bath or shower and have tea, but it just seems to help for a few minutes.

Since I'm nursing the doctor said it could be rusky to take an anxiety medication, but I feel likr my son is affected too. Especially when my stress comes from fighting over stupid things like not getting a blanket folded or leaving a dish out. My grandmother is overly sensitive on mess and cleans 24/7 which I cannot do. I dont mind mild mess but when theres a lot I do.

Anyway what did you as a mom do to relieve stress and get through the chores you need.

Note: I'm a single SAHM. I work remotely and invest. I am the only caregiver for my son.