10dpo I got my BFP!!!!


Ladies it happened for us. After a year of trying and having endo and husband born without a thyroid we were worried we’d never conceive!!! This morning I got my bfp! We used Inito and I tracked my temps and we also both took vitamins. Can’t say I really had many symptoms besides nausea when working out, sore right boob which stung in the shower (unusual for me) and cramping at 6 dpo w lower back pain! I also just completely let go this month with no expectations! Which I really think helped!!! Good luck ladies pray this baby sticks!!!

I’m due in august which is awesome because my husband and I both have august bdays!!!!

I’d also like to add that fmu gave me very light tests I thought it was an evap so I used smu and got these babies!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰