CD36, but almost always 22-24days, 10th HPT in a row!


Hellos! Anyone else had this situation? I don’t track my ovulation with bbt, just my symptoms and CM. Obviously I ovulated much later than I calculated, but to be 12 days late now has been curiously concerned. No symptoms really, occasional tender boobs, but that’s typical before my period anyhow. Ttc for over a year now, already called the doc and went in for a urine test. They told me to wait until I was a bit later than 8 days late. All my fmu hpts have been bfn, I’ve even inverted them to look closer to any line, my husband nor I see anything. Is this month not a month to be hopefully anymore? I’m damn near two weeks longer than my regular cycles right now and it’s messing with my head and heart.