Anyone experienced the nursing strike?!?


I exclusively breastfeed my twins, God knows how much energy, willpower and tears I needed to make it work. Now, at almost 9 months one of them just stopped. He was breastfeeding totally normal till two days ago. I have breastfed him around 6am as usual and at the next feeding he was just laying there, next to my boob and did- nothing. He doesn’t open his mouth. He eats his solids 3x daily, he takes even bottle, everything except breast. I played every possible scenario in my head, read all Google reasons for something like that, but nothing explains it. He is not sick, I didn’t do/eat anything unusual, didn’t change my body shower, nothing unusual happening… I don’t know. I‘m just so sad… today is the third day and I am slowly coming to terms that is over. If I only knew I was breastfeeding him for the last time…

Has anyone had this before? What was your experience?