Fall at 5-6 weeks


Let me start off with saying I’m not a first time mom. Hell this is pregnancy 10 and kiddo 6 I’m currently pregnant with. But I’ve never fallen. And clearly I have a history of losses.

I was carrying a lot and went to step off a small 2 inch step off my deck and when my foot landed on a stick I couldn’t see. I fell. Hard. I rolled my ankle and felt and heard the tendons pop. My knees are scratched up as is my elbow.

I didn’t hit my stomach at all and I know bean is tiny and well cushioned.

I’ve been monitoring and no excess cramping or bleeding.

I went to urgent care for my ankle and they wouldn’t even really examine me. They wrapped it in an ace bandage and that was it. I can bear weight but with pain. The ace bandage offers support but not enough. I feel the ankle is unstable and it’s painful.

I figured I’d call my OBGYN in the morning and mention that I fell and just ask what they want to do. I haven’t had my first appointment yet. And honestly if the fall ends up causing a miscarriage there isn’t anything they can do anyway.

Anyone have experience with anything like this?