Preterm labor 30 weeks?

Okay.. I’m a little weirded out about going into preterm labor.. I have had two term babies. However my second child was just 16 months ago and was my first C section. I unexpectedly got pregnant. I have been having tons of BH contractions since second trimester. I sometimes get lower back pain. Sometimes get cramping. I noticed yesterday morning I dropped like significantly. Today I am smelling like the smell I smelled before and during when i lost my mucus plug last pregnancy. That was at almost 39 weeks. My water broke at 39 weeks 1 day last time I had two or three sweeps and was pumping etc to induce labor. I never had my mucus plug come out with the first. However I am worried it’s going to come out and my water will break or my water will just randomly break etc. anyone experienced any of this… thanks.. kinda freaking out.