Should I let my bd claim the kids?


So we have 2 kids (3 and 4 months). I’ve always claimed the 3 year old since he wasn’t consistent in our lives. I only worked 8 months this year and he’s saying he’s going to claim the kids since he worked the whole year and that I wouldn’t even get that much money. I don’t want him to claim the kids because I’m the one that’s been there for them the most. I care for them every day and night and he barely helps. He even had the audacity to say “it’s not my responsibility” when I asked for help so why he trying to claim them? I know he pays the rent (sometimes I have to pitch in) but everything else I basically handle (food,diapers,wipes,etc.). My mom told me not to let him claim them but I feel like he’ll fight me and be a bitch about it.

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