Need to vent out my frustrations


So I feel like my mental health is in shambles as of late. I'm 20 weeks in my first pregnancy and even though I am excited to meet my baby girl, I feel like an absolute mess.

I feel like there's something wrong with me general as I'm listening to others with having such positive pregnancy and how it will get better (I had a super rocky first trimester) and I'm here despising it. I feel like a balloon, I don't feel like it's my body anymore, it's just an incubator or a host to grow the parasite. My body is in pain more than normal, I'm always tired that the simplest of activities will wear me out. I cry over everything. I want to be genuinely happy and not masking being happy. I honestly feel like the most angry and saddest pregnant person I know as the other girl at my work is so happy with hers.

Is this normal to feel like this?