Is this narcissistic?

So my husband started a fight with me this morning. He was all juiced up from going to the gym and just got nasty at me. We are moving into a new house today and both feel somewhat stressed and I’m definitely not perfect, but he really had a power trip at me in this conversation. Then he proceeds to say “I was going to buy you flowers today but now I’m definitely not doing that.” Is this something a narcissist does.. tells you something nice that they would do if you “deserved” it but because you are deemed unworthy you won’t be getting that? It feels awful 😔. I’m just recovering from a really traumatic childbirth and lived for a month in the hospital and I had just been thinking how nice it would be to get flowers sometime. I was always seeing other people getting visitors bringing flowers in the hospital and I never had any. Seems silly I guess but maybe that’s why it just stings more. This was supposed to be a magical year having our first baby and moving into our first house. But I’m exhausted and I just feel so sad. My husband is like Jekyll and Hyde. Sometimes hes and there for me and other times a monster to me. 😥